
Buying New? Why Not Bring an Expert?

March 15, 2024

So you’re moving to the beach, and you want to make a fresh start.

You’re going to build a brand new home.

Relocating to a new area means starting a new season in life.  Many people who are heading for the Delaware beaches are looking to build a new home for that new season.

We see three types of people.  Today we are going to look at one of those three types:  The Dreamer.

These people dream of a new home, but for various reasons, they don’t ever decide to build. 

These people are the dreamers.  They dream of a new home at the Delaware beaches, but something holds them back.

It might be fear.

Many people fear the process.  It could have to do with the time it takes to complete the process.  A new build can take as long as a year from start to finish with some builders.  Unless the home is already started, it will almost certainly take longer than buying an existing home.  A builder can’t tell you exactly when the house is going to be complete.  The timing of a new build is something that can be stressful, and many people don’t want to put up with that process.  These people dream of a new home at the Delaware beaches, but they never end up living in one because they fear the process.

Another fear is deeper than any process.  People are afraid they will build the wrong home.  People lack confidence in their decision making skills when it come to such a large decisions.  Is your siding color going to look good?  What will people say about your new kitchen?  What if you don’t like the community?  When your new Delaware beach home is full of your selections, it can make you feel uncomfortable- exposed. 

When you purchase an existing home, you can blame its flaws on someone else.  If you had it built, then you own the choices.

As is true in most aspects of life- fear is the great crusher of dreams.

At Sunrise Real Estate, we think you deserve a new home for a new season, and we can guide you through the process without fear.

At Sunrise Real estate, we want to help make dreams turn into reality.  We can do that by walking alongside people through the entire process.

First, we know the area.  We are locally owned an operated, and we’ve been working in Delaware beach real estate for 20 years.

Second, we have more experience than any other agency when it comes to Delaware new construction.  This is a bold claim, but we own a homebuilding company- Aurora Homes.  When you decide to work with Sunrise Real Estate, you bring the knowledge of a team that has designed and built Delaware new homes for over 18 years to work for you.  We know about all of the active builders in the area, and we are experts in the process of building new Delaware homes.

When you work with Sunrise Real Estate, you will have a team that will be alongside you every step of the way- from the first model visit, through the purchase agreement, all of the selections meetings, during the build, and after settlement.  We will be with you the entire time, and the builder will pay our fees.

As a local boutique firm, we will give you the attention and wisdom that a purchase as expensive as a new Delaware home deserves.

With Sunrise Real Estate as your guide, you can build confidently.  If your dream is a new Delaware home for your new season in life, contact Sunrise Real Estate to get started today!

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