
Cape Gazette is a great local news source

April 26, 2024

I continue to enjoy the Cape Gazette. I am impressed with the amount of community news and the amount of interesting information that accompanies all of the reporting. Stories are fleshed out in a style that pulls this reader into the body of the stories that accompany the headers. The photos draw one even further. I even find myself reading the obits frequently due to an almost debilitating addiction to news and current events. My media background has sentenced me to a life of reading and watching news. Never get enough. I try to not bore my friends with current events, but alas, it gets away from me on occasion.

Starting at age of 6 in the 1950s, I served the Washington Daily news to 16 customers. Maybe it was the ground floor of my addiction. Growing up in the Silver Spring and Bethesda areas, I also served the Washington Post and the Washington Evening Star. I found myself reading as much as delivering. Newsprint and TV news are in my bloodstream. No vaccine available for this perceived addiction. I'm comfortable with it.

You clearly have a great staff in your newsroom. The DelDOT discussions are very well done. The overhead photos are enriching. I am not looking forward to a summer of discontent which promises to mess up the Route 16 intersection. I have to navigate this area to access my Woodfield Preserve development.

Thanks again for your Gazette.

Keith Feelemyer
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