
Lewes Little League celebrates Opening Day

April 13, 2022

It was a little chilly, but that didn’t dampen the traditional Lewes Little League Opening Day parade and ceremony held April 9 at the fields along Pilottown Road. League President Jerry Windish said there are 42 teams and 457 players from Lewes and Rehoboth Beach taking part in tee ball, machine-pitch, and minor and major softball and baseball this season. He noted that the Lewes league has the most players of any league in District 3. Opening ceremonies in 2021 and the entire 2020 season were lost because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The league paid tribute to its five-member umpire crew, and named first responders and healthcare workers as Volunteers of the Year. All can get a free hot dog and soda from the concession stand. Go to for more information.


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