
Roundabouts keep traffic moving

April 26, 2024

This is in support of DelDOT’s Kings Highway roundabout plans. We have been Lewes Beach summer residents since the 1950s and like most are shocked by the uncontrollable growth in the area, but we recognize it’s not something we can change. We now avoid Kings Highway in season since we often wait through several traffic light changes to just move onto the next light. Roundabouts will keep the traffic moving as they allow cross traffic to enter. DelDOT has held many meetings asking for citizen input. We commend Gail Van Gilder and her team for unselfishly taking their time and effort to attend these meetings and work with DelDOT to develop the best possible solution. It’s easy to sit on the sidelines and complain, but it takes real effort to get involved to solve problems.  

Joe and Lennie Smith
Lewes Beach
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