
Route 24/Angola Road can’t handle more traffic

March 19, 2024

I am opposed to the development of a Royal Farms at the intersection of Route 24 and Angola Road. 

The current environment is problematic regarding the traffic. DelDOT's proposed improvement could help, but with the current pace of residential developments, these changes will be insufficient. Adding to this mix a high-volume, daily-use gas station and convenience store will only exasperate the residents, school schedules and emergency access. 

There are times where the backup of vehicular traffic is 13 to 18 cars on any given weekday at 10:30 or 11:30 a.m. Getting through the intersection could take two or more sequences of light changes. This is before any proposed additional use of these roads by transient users. 

A high-volume gas station and convenience store is not practically feasible in addition to the effect on the environment with grease pits, gasoline and cleaning fluids.

Joe Dikdan


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