
Royal Farms will be good for Angola area

March 22, 2024

I support the development of a Royal Farms at the intersection of Route 24 and Angola Road.

DelDOT’s plans will alleviate the current traffic issues at that intersection. The addition of Royal Farms will have minimal impact on traffic in that area. I laugh at the suggestion that a gas station/convenience store is a tourist destination that will increase traffic flow in the area. Nonsense. Its customer base will live within a five-mile radius. What is included in the Royal Farms project is the addition of 12 EV charging stations. These are needed. Today, you have to drive out to Route 1 to charge your EV. This should more accurately be designated as a refueling station, not a gas station.

The increasing population and demand on infrastructure is not a problem created by DelDOT or Royal Farms. In fact, DelDOT years ago had plans to widen Route 24 to four lanes. They also had plans to widen Route 9/404 to four lanes. Both of those projects did not go forward because of public opposition. Generally, public opposition to infrastructure improvements is due to short-sighted NIMBYism.

Ken Prince
Long Neck
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