
Saltwater subject Degrassi is above and beyond

April 9, 2024

Great profile by Chris Flood in the April 2 Gazette. Rehoboth Beach residents, property owners and visitors are fortunate to have the many hardworking, top-flight city employees like Rick Degrassi. It’s great when they are recognized; they don’t get enough credit.

However, I have to add a personal note to Mr. Flood’s article. Rick Degrassi is more than a hardworking, top-flight employee; he’s like a city ambassador on the Boardwalk! If you walk by and say hello, he comes right back at you with a wave and a greeting. And, it’s without missing a beat while he’s busting a board. I know this, because it’s how I got to know him. And from that brief encounter a friendship developed, one that has become very special over time. 

As a longtime resident of the city, I’ve gotten to know and become friends with many city employees and officials, but Rick is above and beyond. 

Hoyte Decker
Rehoboth Beach
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