
Speak Out Against Hate stays on mission

March 29, 2024

We have read with interest the very thoughtful piece written by Tom Brett about the meeting of the Colonial Region Republicans and their invitation to Derrick Evans to be the special guest speaker at their Spirit of Freedom Dinner March 15. Brett points out that Evans was convicted and served time for participating in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and condemns the invitation by that group to Evans.

Brett correctly points out the freedom of speech protections accorded Evans. Indeed, Evans pled guilty for his role in that event. We have no idea what Evans spoke about that evening, nor do we know what those present at the event sought to obtain from Evans when they invited him to speak or why, for that matter, they extended that invitation to him. What we do know is that Evans has apparently acknowledged his wrongdoing and, according to law, has paid his debt to society. 

In January 2023, the undersigned participated in the formation of a not-for-profit organization that has now gained much traction throughout our state – Speak Out Against Hate. The mission statement of SOAH is: 

Speak Out Against Hate has been formed for the express purpose of confronting and countering the rising tide of hate, wherever and whenever it exists in a direct, focused and ongoing manner.  SOAH seeks to engage in this effort with all people of good faith; community leaders, businesses, elected officials, clergy, law enforcement personnel, young and old, regardless of color, creed, sexual orientation, national origin or religion. SOAH will speak out early, often and follow up on the rising incidents and expressions of hate and join forces in this effort with all similarly motivated individuals and organizations. SOAH will insist that those in positions to execute policies and regulations speak out and develop strategies for legislation and policies to prevent this hateful and potentially destructive behavior. SOAH’s goal is to make “No Hate Here” a reality in Delaware. All who are against hate are welcome to join SOAH.

Consistent with our mission, our hope is that the Colonial Region Republicans and Evans did and will vigorously condemn the act of hatred perpetrated upon our capital and democracy and those who were present to protect it, and that going forward they will vigorously decry hateful speech and acts. As we sadly learned, hateful speech leads to violence and harm. 

SOAH is completely nonpartisan. The hate that has now become normalized in our region and country knows no political allegiance. And, those who oppose the penetration of hate into our culture are members of all parties or no parties at all. 

SOAH will hold its fourth Community Meeting at 5 p.m., Tuesday, April 16, at the Lewes library and via Zoom. For more information, email 

We hope that Evans and the Colonial Region Republicans and the readers of this newspaper will join us at that meeting where the focus will be upon youth and school officials and, specifically, bias and bullying in the schools. Panelists will comprise educators, school officials and youth from throughout the state and region.

Patty Maloney
President of SOAH
Allan Slan
Vice president and treasurer of SOAH


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